Computation of Pe for e=1,2,3,4

e=1 e=2 e=3 e=4 (e=5)
Number of α for which we consider the norm Ne(α) 7 47 1279 589823 73014444031
same as above, reduced by Remark 1 of Appendix*1 4[computation*2] 27[computation*2] 703[computation*2] 311295[computation*2] 37580963839
same as above, reduced by all Appendix*1 4 23 591[computation*2] 278783 35433545727
Number of different Ne(α) values obtained by computation 4 17 267 202549
me = max Ne(α) 5 81 97393 542909003297
Number of prime number p which divides some norm Ne(α) 2 6 118 104443
same as above, with an odd prime number L such that p=2e+1L+1 0 1 9 4825
i.e. same as above, with 2 as a primitive root modulo L
0 1 2 2193
Pe {41} {593, 977} {97, 353, 929,…,194600255393, 205620281249}

* For the definition of Pe, α and Ne(), see [Fujima-Ichimura, Section 3].
*1 For these reductions, see [Appendix], [Note] and [Calculation] (PDFs).
*2 Format of the computation outputs is explained [here(pdf)].

Derivation of expressions of the norm

(15) in the paper : fe(a0,…,a2e-1) = Xe2+Ye2

Xe a0 a02-a22+2a1a3 homogeneous polynomials of degree 4 with 43 terms homogeneous polynomials of degree 8 with 30667 terms
Ye a1 a12-a32-2a0a2
Derivation see Section 2 in the document*3 see Section 3 in the document*3 see Section 4 in the document*3

*3 [Mathematica document (PDF)]

Note on the class number of the p th cyclotomic field, II
Shoichi FUJIMA and Humio ICHIMURA