Computation for Proposition 3(I) - part 1: e=1,2,3,4

s L e=1 e=2 e=3 e=4
GCD c1-c2[-c3] GCD c1-c2[-c3] GCD c1-c2[-c3] GCD c1-c2[-c3]
2 2-4 G 1-0 G 0-0 G 0-0 G 1-0
3 4-8 G 1-1-1 G 1-0 G 1-1-1 G 0-0
4 8-16 G 1-0 G 1-0 G 0-0 G 1-0
5 16-32 G 0-0 G 2-1 G 0-0 G 1-0
6 32-64 G 2-1 G 0-0 G 2-0 G 2-0
7 26-27 G 5-4 G 3-1 G 1-1 G 3-2
8 27-28 G 4-2 G 5-2 G 4-2 G 3-3
9 28-29 G 7-6 G 8-4 G 7-6 G 8-4
10 29-210 G 10-6 G 13-7 G 10-5 G 11-6
accumulated total G 31-20-1 G 33-15 G 25-15-1 G 30-15
11 210-211 G 24-19 G 19-11 G 17-13 G 19-12
12 211-212 G 31-18 G 35-22 G 34-22 G 32-15
13 212-213 G 64-42 G 47-25 G 48-34 G 46-25
14 213-214 G 105-81 G 100-57 G 91-67 G 94-49
15 214-215 G 189-124 G 179-88 G 174-125 G 172-95
16 215-216 G 304-210 G 297-169 G 292-209 G 266-145
17 216-217 G 578-401 G 551-298 G 556-400 G 494-260
18 217-218 G 1078-743 G 998-568 G 936-677 G 900-510
19 218-219 G 1883-1263 G 1823-1007 G 1723-1219-1 G 1685-939
20 219-220 G 3446-2374 G 3291-1855 G 3146-2247 G 3006-1637
accumulated total 7733-5295-1 7373-4115 7042-5028-2 6744-3702 28,892-18,140-3
21 220-221 G 6294-4312 G 6041-3393 G 5574-3978 G 5455-3025
22 221-222 G* 11404-7809 G 10846-6052 G 10466-7357 G 9928-5563
accumulated total 25431-17416-1 24260-13560 23082-16363-2 22127-12290
23 222-223 G (not finished) G (not finished) G (not finished) G (not finished)
* computation time = 266 hours

c1 = |Ae,s|, c2 = |Ae,s-B|,
Ae,s = { (L,p) | 2s-1<L<2s, L is a prime number, p = 2e+1L+1 is a prime number },
B = { (L,p) | 2 is a primitive root modulo L }.

c3 is the number of the cases of 2 | h-p.

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Note on the class number of the p th cyclotomic field, II
Shoichi FUJIMA and Humio ICHIMURA