Computation for Proposition 3(II) - cases when L is a Mersenne prime

At first, we [search] such cases in the range of p<263, [another computation log].
Pairs (L, e) in the next table was found.

L=22-1*1 e=1*2 e=4*3 e=5*4 e=7*4 e=11*4 e=17*4 e=29*4 e=35*4 e=40*4
L=23-1 e=1*5
2 | h-p
2 | h-p
e=5*5 e=13*5 e=19*5
2 | h-p
e=25*5 e=49*6 e=51*7
L=25-1 e=7*5
L=27-1 e=1*5 e=11*5 e=17*5 e=23*5 e=53*7
L=213-1 e=11*5 e=19*6*5
L=217-1 (No pair exists in the range.)
L=219-1 e=3*5
2 | h-p
e=17*6 e=29*6
2 | h-p
e=33*6 e=37*7
L=231-1 e=9*7 e=27*7
L=261-1 (No pair exists in the range.)

*1: L = 22 - 1 = 3 is a unique Mersenne prime in which 2 is a primitive root modulo L.
*2: Since Pe = ∅ for e = 1, ¬(2|H-p) holds theoretically by Proposition 4.
*3: Since p(=97) ∈ Pe, computation for the case had been included in the computer-assisted proof of Theorem.
*4: Although the method of Lemma 1(II) could be used for the cases, the method of Lemma 1(I) was employed because the degree of the polynomials is small. [computation]
*5: Computations for the cases are included in the [search].
*6: Computations for the cases are divided into many sub jobs and each sub job was executed in a thread of CPU in about 10 personal computers.
*7: Computations in gray cells needs very large amount of computation. They are not computed in this work.

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Note on the class number of the p th cyclotomic field, II
Shoichi FUJIMA and Humio ICHIMURA